TSRVControlStyle Type

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TSRVControlStyle Type

Define appearance of controls.

Unit SRVControl.

  TSRVControlStyle = (srvcsSimple, srvcsClassic);


A modern, minimalistic and consistent appearance of controls.

It can be customized using RVControlsPainter class from RVControls unit. This class is described in the TRichView help file. The main its property is Theme: TRVControlTheme, where

TRVControlTheme = (rvctPaleBlue, rvctSpringGreen, rvctSienna, rvctHighContrast);

By changing Theme, you change colors of all controls having SRVControlStyle = srvcsSimple.

In Delphi XE2 and newer, this mode uses GDI+ for drawing, so lines are anti-aliased.

In Lazarus, GDI+ drawing is optional, see GDI+ notes.


A classic appearance of controls.

They look like in ScaleRichView 8 and older.


This is the type of the following properties:



TSRVCustomControl.SRVControlStyle (published in TSRVButton, TSRVCheckBox, TSRVGroupBox, TSRVPanel, TSRVRadioButton);

TSRVWinControl.SRVControlStyle (published in TSRVEdit, TSRVMemo).
