RVMedia 6 and RTSP - Authentication problems

RVMedia support and discussion (components for displaying and controlling IP cameras, webcams, video conferencing, video chats, recording audio and video files)
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RVMedia 6 and RTSP - Authentication problems

Post by panlab_mf »

Hi all,

I'm dealing some issues with RTSP connection event with RVMedia v6.

I have to kind of cameras, a) lazy(weak) secured; b) strongly secured. If I connect to the a) kind of cameras, I'm able to receive the video streaming just using the external method (ffmpeg library; TRVMFFMPEG.OpenFile; TRVMFFMPEG.InitDecode), actually, using a cuple of RVCamera and RVCamView objects in a form.

But if I try to connect to the b) kind of cameras, the external connection (throught the ffmpeg librery) fails. Probably because my cameras strictly requires authentification (HTTP ERROR: 401) via digest method. After a timeout of 1 minute or so, the RVMedia library takes control of the connection and try to connect directly (RVVInetRtsp.pas unit) but it is not able to send the authenticate info. the same way it already does in MRVInet.CreateHeaderHTTP.CreateAuthorize() for http connections.

Enclose you can find the WireShark capture file. There you can see the RTSP packages send/receive for the b) case.

How can I manage this?

Because the a) kind of cameras are for internal use only, when the b) kind of cameras are for selling to our customers. So I need to be able to connect to them.

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Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: RVMedia 6 and RTSP - Authentication problems

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Even if we implement digest authentication in RVMedia code, we will be able to play only MJPEG by HTTP. RTSP and H.264 require FFmpeg or GStreamer (some time ago we started implementation of MJPEG by RTSP, but abandoned it).
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