How to get a free copy of Report Workshop or a discount

ReportWorkshop support and discussion (TRichView reporting add-on)
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Sergey Tkachenko
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How to get a free copy of Report Workshop or a discount

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

1) We give free versions of TRichView, ScaleRichView and Report Workshop for translators of user interface.
In the first release or Report Workshop, its user interface is not localizable (English only), but we will translate it in the next update to all languages supported by RichViewActions.
The current list of languages can be found on
Some of these languages are translated by volunteer translators, some of them are translated by us. We are always looking for people who agree to maintain an existing translation (if it is vacant) or translate user interface to a new language.
Translators receive free versions of our products and free updates while they are maintaining their translation.

2) You can get a free copy of ReportWorkshop or a discount if you implement its extension and we accept it for inclusion in Report Workshop.
The reward depends on the complexity and usefulness of the work.

Report Workshop can be extended in the following ways:
- new data providers (components providing data for reports from different sources; we are especially interested on data providers not based on TDataSet components)

- standard data query processors (classes providing data for reports without creating data provider components; an example of RVReportDateTimeQueryProcessor processing 'calendar:' queries is included in Report Workshop)

- new value visualizers (classes for drawing diagrams representing numeric values; in the current version of Report Workshop, a visualizer can show a single value; we plan to add two-values visualizers (for displaying ranges, for example) in next updates)

- additional types of data fields (a class that reads data from a DB field and returns it as a number, or as a string, or as an image, or as RTF, or as RVF; it allows either loading data of new formats, or represent existing formats in an unusual way)

- new aggregation functions for cross-tab reports

- we are also interested in ideas about improving user interface for creating report templates; the most interesting problem is creating a better editors for data queries; currently, it is a plain text field with list boxes allowing to insert table and field names; possibilities to improve:
* SQL editor control with a syntax highlighting (supporting our fields)
* visual SQL query designer (supporting our fields)
* a special dialog allowing to define master-detail relationships visually
If you can help creating this type of UI, please contact me.

Additional information about extending Report Workshop

Contact me if you have questions.
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