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Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:30 am
by Avrelio
this components support rtsp rpotocol ?

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:05 am
by Sergey Tkachenko
The current version of RVMedia - no.
But it will be supported in the next update (planned for very near future) using GStreamer

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:02 pm
by Avrelio
Well i wait....

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 7:54 pm
by Avrelio
how much time to new version?

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 7:46 am
by Sergey Tkachenko
If it passes our tests, it will be uploaded in this week.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 4:19 pm
by Avrelio
I have more questions
About component RVCameraMultiView
1.It possible add Event to cameras OnDubleClick
2.Procedure BringToFront;SendToBack;
3.On Play video from file it have controls ex. Stop Back Play etc...(As TmediaPlayer in FireMonkey)
About Component RVCamera
4.On save video i can in real time change the file and component begin record to new file without stoping ?

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 5:10 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
1. Ok
2. RVCamMultiView.Viewers.Viewer is a control (TRVCamView), you can use its methods.
3. Currently, there are only commands for starting playing from the beginning (PlayVideoFile) and stopping (Abort). We will add pausing and other commands in future updates.
4. Sorry, no. Changing filename affects only next writing. Currently, it's not possible to switch saving to another file seamlessly. We will implement it in future, but not right now.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 1:57 pm
by Avrelio
How about saving video its save only on mjpg?
if yes its only 1 secod how i can read this?

how much time left to rtsp protocol....

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:27 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
In the current version - yes, only MJPEG.
The first update with GStremer will not add saving formats, but in future AVI may be added.

The update will be very soon, may be tomorrow.

A demo for saving and playing a file is in Demos\Cameras\Recording\

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 4:45 pm
by Avrelio
I try this demo
Video is captured but it is impossibilite to Read video it read only 1 frame

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:55 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
Please send the saved file to richviewgmailcom

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:41 am
by Avrelio
I send the video.
I can talk with you online ?
for example by skype

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:51 am
by Sergey Tkachenko
I received your file, but I cannot reproduce the problem.
I used ...
This video file is played correctly.

Sorry, I prefer forum and email.

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:16 am
by Avrelio
Now is working =(
I think this is are my error ) thx for help how abaut rtsp? and why not use ffmpeg + vlc?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:32 am
by Sergey Tkachenko
Unfortunately, the current version needs tweaking - it consumes too much CPU resources.
It will be uploaded after we optimize it.

Different frameworks may be supported in future