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Pure Text from the RichviewEdit-property

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 11:20 am
by MPirnstill

to see, if the TSRichview-Component is the solution to my problems, I'm trying to implement the trail-version in my Project before buying the components.

Actually the TRichview-component do way to much for what I Need. For me it is important to have a WYSIWYG effect. The lines on the Screen shall look like the lines on the printer. No styles needed, just the line break has to fit. Perfect would be, if I could printout the special characters like spaces and paragraph symbols as well.

Well, as my project is for typing tests, I do save the text encrypted. Therefore I took the text-property from the (Standard-)RichEdit component and encrypted it with a DLL. This DLL expects text/string. So how do I get the simple pure text from the RSRichview-component?

Thanks in advance


Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 4:33 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko

(Use GetAllText from RVGetTextW unit, if you need Unicode text; or from RVGetText unit, if you need ANSI text)