LoadRVFFromStream & ScaleRichView\Demos\ActionTestTabsRi
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:25 am
Hi Sergey and Ilya,
can you please provide some help how to properly load RVF from stream using your editor (RVARibbonFrm.pas) - which is a fantastic piece of code!!!!
I use code like this:
if LoadDocToStream(blob_ID, stream,DocMargins) then
if ActiveEditor.LoadRVFFromStream(stream) then begin
if bMargins then
with ActiveEditor do begin
ActiveEditor.RichViewEdit.ReadOnly := Not lDP.CanEdit;
Ribbon1.HideTabs := Not lDP.CanEdit;
I have 2 problems and an extra question:
1) I still have some old RVFs in my database with page margins stored separately (in mm). How do I apply these margins to my document? I have seen http://www.trichview.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5404 but find it hard to understand.
2) How can I update SRVPageScroll1? AutoUpdate=true, however, the new thumbnails appear on top of the old ones - eventually producing a messy, almost black thumbnail after opening several documents one after the other.
3) does SRVE provide an options to freely place a textbox or (scaled) image on top (or behind) the text ?
Thanks for your help.
Keep up the great work!
Kind regards
can you please provide some help how to properly load RVF from stream using your editor (RVARibbonFrm.pas) - which is a fantastic piece of code!!!!
I use code like this:
if LoadDocToStream(blob_ID, stream,DocMargins) then
if ActiveEditor.LoadRVFFromStream(stream) then begin
if bMargins then
with ActiveEditor do begin
ActiveEditor.RichViewEdit.ReadOnly := Not lDP.CanEdit;
Ribbon1.HideTabs := Not lDP.CanEdit;
I have 2 problems and an extra question:
1) I still have some old RVFs in my database with page margins stored separately (in mm). How do I apply these margins to my document? I have seen http://www.trichview.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5404 but find it hard to understand.
2) How can I update SRVPageScroll1? AutoUpdate=true, however, the new thumbnails appear on top of the old ones - eventually producing a messy, almost black thumbnail after opening several documents one after the other.
3) does SRVE provide an options to freely place a textbox or (scaled) image on top (or behind) the text ?
Thanks for your help.
Keep up the great work!
Kind regards