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is Rvstyle need and Page format problem

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:05 pm
by zekeriye

Some of documents all of them include one big table at A4 Paper. The table is full page of A4. My programs fill that table.

In the program we were found some text and replace it or fing a table and fill it.

we filling the documents change textsyle and para style. With using richview we do it with using rvstyle component.
How can I change textsyle and parastyle of current documents add or change ? (dinamic)

2) When th documents is full A4 with a table inserting another full page table we saw two page data on the one page view. (We always using zoom factor %100, paper size A4.)

3) Some of documents are orentation is portrait, some of them landscape.
We change paper orentation onshow events of editor form and sometimes paper orientation does not change. ? How can we solve this problem. (On the richview we used RVprint component's event for this)

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:59 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
As for (1), you can still use RVStyle object accessible as SRichViewEdit1.RichViewEdit.Style

As for the rest of question, Ilya will answer later.
I am not sure that I understand the problem (2). Can you create a screenshot and send to ?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 10:55 am
by proxy3d
3) Some of documents are orentation is portrait, some of them landscape.
We change paper orentation onshow events of editor form and sometimes paper orientation does not change. ? How can we solve this problem. (On the richview we used RVprint component's event for this)

In the document which you have sent, DocParameters. Orientation = 2. This value - out of bounds (poPortrait = 0; poLandscape = 1). How do you assign value to Orientation? Please reassign value in PageSetup and save document.

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 11:27 am
by Sergey Tkachenko
What version of Delphi/C++Builder and TRichView do you use?

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 6:03 pm
by zekeriye
We use Delphi7 Enterprise with Trichview v10 (25.03.2008 date)

We set page orientation using this code;

// XXMARGIN is a record and store page setup paramaters from database

procedure TFORMRTF.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
SCALERV.PageProperty.Orientation := poPortrait
SCALERV.PageProperty.Orientation := poLandscape;


After adding
those lines all of documents page orientation is correct.

after this code;

we have to write those two lines code. But yours action test does not include them.