I am work with BDS 2006.
I need a function to change tables to text nearly as found here:
The example removes the tables and put the text from each table in one new line. The problem: I want to have all tabletext found in a Item together in a new item using tabs as separator.
My concept was to modify the RTF-Stream but when I am using "SaveRTFToStream" in place of "SaveRVFToStream"
Code: Select all
TMemoryStream*Stream = new TMemoryStream;
for (int c=0; c<table->Rows->Items[r]->Count; c++)
// table->Cells[r][c]->GetRVData()->SaveRVFToStream(Stream, false,clNone, NULL, NULL);
[color=red]table->Cells[r][c]->GetRVData()->SaveRTFToStream(Stream, false,clNone, NULL, NULL);[/color]
Stream->Position = 0;
Stream->Position = 0;
rv->InsertRVFFromStream(Stream, rv->ItemCount);
delete Stream;
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E2342 Keine Übereinstimmung des Typs beim Parameter 'Path' ('const AnsiString' erwartet, 'bool' erhalten)
W8006 TColor wird mit int initialisiert
Any solution or bit code to solve the problem?
Regards and thanx for help