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Fast Report s and Richview

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 2:53 pm
by bobbygal

Is it possibly to use Fast Reports to print the contents of memo fields created with Richview


Bobby Gallagher

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 4:19 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
Not yet. Planned for this Autumn

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:12 am
by rowisoft

Autumn 2005 is over :-)

Any news on this topic?


Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:46 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
Still no news, sorry.

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 5:11 am
by MarcoWarm
Hello there,

it's been quite a time in this thread without any post :-D.

As long as there is no official support for FastReport just take the component that can be found here: ... chViewView

it is called TfrxRichViewView. We developed it for RichView V12 but it should work with the current version as well.


Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:10 am
by Sergey Tkachenko
Thank you!
I'll test it when I complete a current work.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:26 pm
by BvOsten
MarcoWarm wrote: As long as there is no official support for FastReport just take the component that can be found here: ... chViewView

it is called TfrxRichViewView. We developed it for RichView V12 but it should work with the current version as well.

Marco, I just gave the component a try (with D7, Fastreport 4.9.123, TRichView 12.5.2).
Is the source on really the latest, working version?
There is one compiler Error in it ( ms:=TCompressionStream.Create(Stream,zcMax); <- parameter wrong arrangement, zcmax is not defined; clmax?) and an unused variable ( tmpH: Integer;).
However, after fixing that the report designer is working but the preview shows nothing, giving exception errors of several kinds or EAccessViolation errors.
It would help me a lot to get a better Fastreport support for TRichview components.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:47 am
by erich_k4
Thank you Marco!! :D :D

your component is the long awaited (i'm sure i'm not the only one ;)) "missing link" between trichview and fastreport...

Here is a small demo project ( ... if someone would like to give it a try.

I've tested it with Delphi XE, Fastreport 4.11.9, Trichview 13.1 and ufrxRichViewView.pas r859

Thank you again Marco, i hope that we will get an "official" version for TRichView soon (Sergey?)

Best Regards

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:40 pm
by erich_k4
Here is a component to install (Delphi XE):


Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:18 pm
by BvOsten
I'm still debugging on the FestReport with no success.
Still D7, Fastreport 4.12, TRichview 13.7

The source still has a syntax error, as mentioned above.
I corrected it this was:

Code: Select all

procedure TfrxCustomRichViewView.WriteData(Stream: TStream);
  ms: TCompressionStream;
  if (FMetaFile.Width > 0) and (FMetaFile.Height > 0) then
    ms := TCompressionStream.Create(clMax,Stream);
So the code has no syntax error any more; it does compile and the new Richview-Komponent is visible in the Designer and can be place.
But during preview or print, the component stays blank/empty. This happens either if it should be loaded with a file or a query field or with direct content.

Does anybody has successfully get this working with D7 and can share the source with us here?


Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:45 am
by MarcoWarm
Hi Bernd,

unfortunately I never tested the component with D7 since we don't have that here. As far as I see it it should not be a problem of your FR or TRichView version. Maybe you can put togehter a small demo project and send it to me. So I can see whether there is any other problem - or you try to compile the demo of erich_k4.


Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:28 pm
by BvOsten
I'm still not any further with this issue. I'm trying to get the demo from erich_k4 running. But the "Show report" is failing with
" raise EDecompressionError.CreateRes(@sInvalidStreamOp);"
=> invalid Stream Operation.

Or is this simply related to the image stuff (gifimg, pngimg et cetera), which is present in XE2 but not in D7?

I also reduced the rvf file to a simple "test" text to be sure it's not a image processing issues, but no luck.

Does anybody reading here has a clue, how to get this Fast Report wrapper running with D7?

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:30 pm
by BvOsten
I'm debugging on this for hours now. I can't get that demo from erich_k4 to work. So I'm working within my application to nail down the problem.
I managed to change some stuff so that data from the tables memo fields (contain the RTF text) is correctly transferred by a FReportHelper.RichView.LoadRTFFromStream (procedure TfrxCustomRichViewView.GetData).

But the Trichviewview fields on the report are still empty/blank.
Maybe someone can help me with that.

1.) What data is transfered through TfrxCustomRichViewView.DefineProperties?
My Debugger shows no data and nearly all variable are not available/visible (although $D+, l+, y+ are set)

2.) What is the purpose of FMetafile? How is it written and read?
This stays allways empty in my debugging. Maybe the procedures ReadData and Writedate should Read/Write into FMetafile, but the Stream argument in ReadData (which reads from Stream, decompresses it and writes into FMetafile) is always size=0. Therefore WriteData (which Reads from FMetafile and writes compressed into TStream) also stays empty.
3.) What should be the content of the Stream argument.

I assume: For a TRichviewview field the data is read from the database table by procedure GetData and the RTF/RVF blob is transferred to FReportHelper.RichView.
Then Trichview is drawing/rendering the RTF on the canvas, which is then stored in FMetafile in EMF/WMF Format. This Metafile is then stored in a compressed stream within Fastreport (through WriteData).
For the printing or preview process fastreport shovels the compressed streams of each field back by ReadData, which then displayed/printed directly from the EMF/WMF format.

4.) Is my above assumption about the data processing correct?