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WordWrap and Clear

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:17 am
by JPR
Hello everybody,

I use TDBRichView in my delphi application. I have some troubles between DBRichView and my database. When I use clear method of my dbrichview, my component is empty but not my database. In my blob field, there is a lot character and when i use MySQLComponent.FieldByName('MyBlobField').AsString = '', delphi send me field is not empty.
How can i solve this problem ?

Secondly, I wish reproduce wordwrap property with a dbrichview. Actually I use property of paragraph but this solution is not good because this information is link with document and not with my component.
Have you a idea to have a wordwrap property on my dbrichview component ?

Thank a lot

Best regard from FRANCE.



Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 1:38 pm
by Michel
In my blob field, there is a lot character
That's probably because an empty RV still has a header, and probably some other stuff. To "nullify" the BLOB you'd probably have to do just that: set the field value to NULL explicitly.

The second part of your question - I didn't quite understand, but probably wouldn't know the answer even if I did. :wink:

Good luck!


Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 5:02 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
Sorry, there is no global wordwrap property, it's only a property of paragraph style

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 7:50 am
by marcpleysier
No component Wordwrap ????

For me, text wrapping musn't be stored in the data. It is a viewing property.

Having one paragraph wrapped and another one not is quite strange for the user.

I suppose default wrapping is "ON" because I haven't notice this behaviour before...