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SaveHTML place images in images folder

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 8:44 pm
by standay
Hi Sergey,

I'm using this and it works fine:

Code: Select all

        ExtractFileName(FileSaveDialog1.FileName), 'img',[ rvsoUTF8] );
That's great, but I want the images in a subfolder relative to the html file itself. I've looked at SaveImage2 but can't figure out how to do this. It's probably very simple but I can't get it to work! If it involves using SaveImage2, can you post how I would call it and from where?

Thanks Sergey

Re: SaveHTML place images in images folder

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 7:11 am
by Sergey Tkachenko
ImagesPrefix parameter may include path, such as 'images\img'.
This folder must exist (create it before saving HTML).
After saving, I suggest calling RemoveDir() for this folder, it will remove it only if it is empty.

As a sample, you can see RichViewActions code (search for calls of SaveHTML in RichViewActions.pas).

Re: SaveHTML place images in images folder

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 6:16 pm
by standay
Thanks Sergey. I was hoping it was something as simple as that, it works great. I switched from SaveHTML to SaveHTMLEX as it works better. SaveHTML did not export paragraphs with background colors which is something I use frequently.
