Is linking between RichViewActions&Standard Action possi

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Is linking between RichViewActions&Standard Action possi

Post by Guest »

in my application I use the standard actions like EditCut, EditCopy, EditPaste, EditSelectAll, EditUndo etc. which are fine within TEdit descendants.
But they are not working within TRichView. I'm testing RichViewActions and there rvActionCut, rcAction Copy,... are working fine, but only within RichView and not in TEdits.
That's not as I hoped.
I have menuoptions and speedbuttons on the form, to allow users to access these actions. But as each menuoption or button can only be connected with one action, I'm in a kind of dead end.
Also the automatic enabling/disabling of the action is bound only to either the default components or TRichview.
Is there any solution for that available?
Sergey Tkachenko
Site Admin
Posts: 17677
Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:28 am

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

RichViewActions' copy-pasting and undo actions work not only for TRichViewEdit but also for TCustomEdit and TCustomComboBox.
If you have an old version of RichViewActions, please update it.

And there is a programming interface for applying them to other editors (assign your function to RVA_EditorControlFunction variable, see the implementation of RVA_EditorControlFunctionDef in RichViewActions.pas)
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