Copy to Clipboard kills last tabulator

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Copy to Clipboard kills last tabulator

Post by Kern »

I have a TRichViewEdit with a TAB set for example at 4 cm and containing the following text


If I select this text, copy it to Clipboart (TrichViewEdit.Copy) and then paste it in WinWord the tabwidth of the first 2 lines is correct but the last line contains no TAB and uses the standard tabwidth.
This appears also at the last line of a text with less or more lines.

Is this a bug in TCustomRVData.SaveRTFToStream?

Sergey Tkachenko
Site Admin
Posts: 17499
Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:28 am

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

This problem must be fixed in the latest TRichView version
Posts: 25
Joined: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:49 pm

Post by Kern »

Sergey Tkachenko wrote:This problem must be fixed in the latest TRichView version
Hi Sergey

What do you mean with
must be fixed
? Whe have the last version (1.9.24) and the problem is still there. Do you have a solution meanwhile?

Sergey Tkachenko
Site Admin
Posts: 17499
Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:28 am

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

It is fixed in newer version (available for registered users). This new version is still beta and cannot be used for compiling release versions of applications.
Quick fix:
CRVData.pas, find the line

Code: Select all

    if (Level=0) and (StartItem<>EndItem) and IsParaStart(EndItem) and (GetItemStyle(EndItem)>=0) and (Items[EndItem]='') then
and change it to

Code: Select all

    if (Level=0) then 
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