what means 'WM_RVADDROW' and 'WM_USER'

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what means 'WM_RVADDROW' and 'WM_USER'

Post by j&b »

Hello Sergey,

what means 'WM_RVADDROW' and 'WM_USER' (const WM_RVADDROW = WM_USER+5;) ?

Pieter Zijlstra
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Post by Pieter Zijlstra »


WM stands for Window Message.

WM_USER is constant defined by Delphi/Windows, this is a starting point for all user messages. Also have a look at WM_APP...

http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archi ... 55914.aspx

WM_RVADDROW is what you probably found here in the forums as a work around for older version to get the table to add a row when pressing the tab key in the last cell. In the current version this work around should not be needed.
Posts: 184
Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:35 pm

Post by j&b »

Thank you, Pieter
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