hebrew, arabic and bidi

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hebrew, arabic and bidi

Post by tmMK »


we're trying to implement hebrew and arabic support and i have several questions, especially about BidiMode:

1) is richview able to save text direction to html? for example: <p dir=rtl> (if BiDiMode of parastyle is set to rvbdRightToLeft)

2) when user is typing in hebrew (or other RTL) language, is actual TextStyle and ParaStyle set to RTL or not? how to manage it?

i welcome any other remarks from those who have experiences with this, because this topic is really complicated...

Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

1) Current version does not do it. But I already added this feature in my local copy, so it will be available on the next update.
SaveHTML will save it as <div dir=RTL>, SaveHTMLEx will use CSS for that.

2) It's usually not necessary to set the text style's BiDiMode, because text is arranged automatically depending on characters bidi properties. It can be used to help to the component if it arranges the text not as expected.
Paragraph's BiDiMode is not set automatically too. May be it makes sense to apply bidimode to the paragraph on Ctrl+LShift and Ctrl+RShift....
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Post by tmMK »

1) ok thanks! i'll check it...

2) but cursor is jumping and selection is doing strange things when bidi is not set properly (unspecified) and user is writing in hebrew...
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

If BiDiMode is set to unspecified, bidirected text is not supported (simplified methods for text rendering are used).
If you want to support Arabic and Hebrew, TRichView.BiDiMode must be set either in LeftToRight ot RightToLeft value.
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