Change some tables' order(sequence)

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Change some tables' order(sequence)

Post by wolf1860 »

There are many tables(TRVTableItemInfo) in a rvf file,I want to change some tables' order ,Have u any better ways than cut/paste?
I want to change the table item's style such as changing the table's outline color/border when the mouse over or click the table area,can u give me some ideas or some codes?

Thank u:)
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: Change some tables' order(sequence)

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

1. Unless you implement something special in your code, user can reorder items only by cut&paste.
For reordering table rows, there is a "Sort" command in RichViewActions.

2. Changing table border color below the mouse pointer is not a standard feature.
You can change colors in OnMouseMove event.
Here is an example of changing border color to clRed below the mouse pointer.
The code assumes that it is called for RichViewEdit1
(there is one line that refers to it: RichViewEdit1.RefreshAll;)

The following fields must be added to the Form:
HighlightedTable: TRVTableItemInfo;
StoredBorderColor: TColor;
StoredBorderStyle: TRVTableBorderStyle;

Code: Select all

// Sets undo recording off (if Value=0)/ on (if Value=-1)
procedure SetUndoLimit(Ctrl: TObject; Value: Integer);
  if Ctrl is TCustomRichViewEdit then
    TCustomRichViewEdit(Ctrl).UndoLimit := Value;

procedure TForm3.RichViewEdit1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
  Y: Integer);
  RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
  Pt: TPoint;
  ItemNo, Offs: Integer;
  Table: TRVTableItemInfo;
  Changed: Boolean;
  // getting table below the mouse pointer
  Pt := TCustomRichViewEdit(Sender).ClientToDocument(Point(X, Y));
  Table := nil;
  TCustomRichViewEdit(Sender).GetItemAt(Pt.X, Pt.Y, RVData, ItemNo, Offs, False);
  if RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) is TRVTableItemInfo then
    Table := TRVTableItemInfo(RVData.GetItem(ItemNo))
  else if RVData.GetSourceRVData is TRVTableCellData then
    Table := TRVTableCellData(RVData.GetSourceRVData).GetTable;
  // assigning HighlightedTable and changing its BorderColor
  Changed := False;
  if (HighlightedTable <> nil) and (HighlightedTable <> Table) then
    SetUndoLimit(Sender, 0);
    HighlightedTable.BorderColor := StoredBorderColor;
    HighlightedTable.BorderStyle := StoredBorderStyle;
    SetUndoLimit(Sender, -1);
    Changed := True;
  if (Table <> nil) and (HighlightedTable <> Table) then
    StoredBorderColor := Table.BorderColor;
    StoredBorderStyle := Table.BorderStyle;
    SetUndoLimit(Sender, 0);
    Table.BorderStyle := rvtbColor;
    Table.BorderColor := clRed;
    SetUndoLimit(Sender, -1);
    Changed := True;
  HighlightedTable := Table;
  if Changed then

procedure TForm3.RichViewEdit1ItemAction(Sender: TCustomRichView;
  ItemAction: TRVItemAction; Item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
  var Text: TRVUnicodeString; RVData: TCustomRVData);
  case ItemAction of
    rviaDestroying, rviaMovingToUndoList:
      if Item = HighlightedTable then
        HighlightedTable := nil;

Posts: 118
Joined: Sat Nov 21, 2015 2:04 am

Re: Change some tables' order(sequence)

Post by wolf1860 »

Thanks a lot!
Posts: 118
Joined: Sat Nov 21, 2015 2:04 am

Re: Change some tables' order(sequence)

Post by wolf1860 »

The onMouseMove event raise exception at "Pt := TCustomRichViewEdit(Sender).ClientToDocument(Point(X, Y));",My TSRichViewEdit is in a frame,maybe that's the reason for "access violation" exception? Trace the code step by step to the method" TCustomRichView.ClientToDocument", the first line can not pass:)
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: Change some tables' order(sequence)

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

The code for ScaleRichView is a bit different.
For example, in OnMouseMove event, the Sender parameter is TSRichViewEdit, so typecasting it to TRichViewEdit leads to an exception.
Also, the methods for hit testing are different.
I'll create a code for ScaleRichView tomorrow.
Sergey Tkachenko
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Posts: 17499
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Re: Change some tables' order(sequence)

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Here is the code for ScaleRichView.
As you can see, it's almost the same, the difference is only in finding the item below the mouse pointer.

The following fields must be added to the Form:
HighlightedTable: TRVTableItemInfo;
StoredBorderColor: TColor;
StoredBorderStyle: TRVTableBorderStyle;

Code: Select all

// Sets undo recording off (if Value=0)/ on (if Value=-1)
procedure SetUndoLimit(Ctrl: TObject; Value: Integer);
  if Ctrl is TCustomRichViewEdit then
    TCustomRichViewEdit(Ctrl).UndoLimit := Value;

procedure TfrmMain.SRichViewEdit1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
  X, Y: Integer);
  pt: TPoint;
  SRV: TSRichViewEdit;
  RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
  InPageArea, InLeftArea, InTextArea: Boolean;
  ItemNo, Offs: Integer;
  Table: TRVTableItemInfo;
  Changed: Boolean;
  SRV := (Sender as TSRichViewEdit);
  pt := SRV.ConvertSRVtoRV(Point(X, Y), InTextArea, InLeftArea, InPageArea);
  if not InTextArea then
  pt := SRV.ActiveEditor.ClientToDocument(pt);
  SRV.ActiveEditor.GetItemAt(pt.X, pt.Y, RVData, ItemNo, Offs, False);
  Table := nil;
  if RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) is TRVTableItemInfo then
    Table := TRVTableItemInfo(RVData.GetItem(ItemNo))
  else if RVData.GetSourceRVData is TRVTableCellData then
    Table := TRVTableCellData(RVData.GetSourceRVData).GetTable;
  // assigning HighlightedTable and changing its BorderColor
  Changed := False;
  if (HighlightedTable <> nil) and (HighlightedTable <> Table) then
    SetUndoLimit(SRV.ActiveEditor, 0);
    HighlightedTable.BorderColor := StoredBorderColor;
    HighlightedTable.BorderStyle := StoredBorderStyle;
    SetUndoLimit(SRV.ActiveEditor, -1);
    Changed := True;
  if (Table <> nil) and (HighlightedTable <> Table) then
    StoredBorderColor := Table.BorderColor;
    StoredBorderStyle := Table.BorderStyle;
    SetUndoLimit(SRV.ActiveEditor, 0);
    Table.BorderStyle := rvtbColor;
    Table.BorderColor := clRed;
    SetUndoLimit(SRV.ActiveEditor, -1);
    Changed := True;
  HighlightedTable := Table;
  if Changed then

procedure TfrmMain.SRichViewEdit1ItemAction(Sender: TCustomRichView;
  ItemAction: TRVItemAction; Item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
  var Text: TRVUnicodeString; RVData: TCustomRVData);
  case ItemAction of
    rviaDestroying, rviaMovingToUndoList:
      if Item = HighlightedTable then
        HighlightedTable := nil;
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