upgrade from demo to registered version

RVMedia support and discussion (components for displaying and controlling IP cameras, webcams, video conferencing, video chats, recording audio and video files)
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upgrade from demo to registered version

Post by scotty69169 »


I have built an application with the demo version of FMX on C++ Builder. I installed the FMX registered version and it uninstalled the demo version and then had an error. I had tried the duel language version first and then the C++ only and they both had the same issue. I am using C++ Builder 10.4.2

Error compiling d:\Components\RVMediaFMX\Source\RVMediaFMXCB10_4.cbproj:
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 4.8.4084.0
[Microsoft .NET Framework, version 4.0.30319.42000]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Embarcadero Delphi for Win32 compiler version 34.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2021 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
fmxMRVCamView.pas(646): error F1026: File not found: 'Debug\RVM1.inc' [d:\Components\RVMediaFMX\Source\RVMediaFMXCB10_4.cbproj]

The missing file is in the following directory: d:\Components\RVMediaFMX\Source


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Re: upgrade from demo to registered version

Post by scotty69169 »


RVM1.inc is missing. There is no debug directory or file. Only a *release directory.

Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: upgrade from demo to registered version

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Please check the file MRV_FMXDefs.inc
It must have RVMDEBUG deactivated (with dot at the beginning):

Code: Select all

(this $define must be active only in a trial version)

The file must be in <RVMedia Dir>\Source\Include\

Probably, you have duplicates of MRV_FMXDefs.inc from the trial version.

PS: I highly recommend to install Delphi + C++Builder packages instead of C++Builder-only packages.
C++Builder-only packages are only 32-bit, and if you plan to use new versions of FFmpeg with RVMedia, it will be simpler in 64-bit projects, because Windows builds of new versions of FFmpeg are available only as 64-bit DLLs (unless you plan to compile FFmpeg yourself).
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