while converting some reports to use RichView component I struck on interesting problem in printing field using TppDBRichView. I have a report, which is master-detail type and uses two additional datasets, one of them is JIT with few fields. The rich text, which is actually quite basical is stored in a field of DataType dtMemo. Stock RB component TppDBRichText normally prints the data without any problems (RTF is quite basical, I could say of type RichEdit 2) while the TppDBRichView connected to same field and pipeline does not print anything at all. If I compare the components in RTM they look like this:
Code: Select all
object ppDBRichText1: TppDBRichText
DesignLayer = ppDesignLayer4
UserName = 'DBRichText1'
Font.Color = clBlack
Font.Name = 'Times New Roman'
Font.Size = 10
Font.Style = []
Border.mmPadding = 0
ExportRTFAsBitmap = False
DataField = 'RTFText'
DataPipeline = ppJITPonudba
ParentDataPipeline = False
RemoveEmptyLines = False
Stretch = True
Transparent = True
DataPipelineName = 'ppJITPonudba'
mmHeight = 4763
mmLeft = 0
mmTop = 15610
mmWidth = 54504
BandType = 5
GroupNo = 2
LayerName = BandLayer3
mmBottomOffset = 0
mmOverFlowOffset = 0
mmStopPosition = 0
mmMinHeight = 0
object ppDBrtf: TppDBRichView
DesignLayer = ppDesignLayer4
UserName = 'dbRTF'
Anchors = [atLeft, atTop, atRight]
Caption = 'RTFText'
DataField = 'RTFText'
DataPipeline = ppJITPonudba
ParentDataPipeline = False
ShiftRelativeTo = ppDBMNoga
ShiftWithParent = False
Stretch = True
Transparent = True
DataPipelineName = 'ppJITPonudba'
mmHeight = 12700
mmLeft = 66411
mmTop = 15610
mmWidth = 109538
BandType = 5
GroupNo = 2
LayerName = BandLayer3
mmBottomOffset = 0
mmOverFlowOffset = 0
mmStopPosition = 0
mmMinHeight = 0
ReportBuilder is 19.03, Delphi 10.2 Berlin, TRichView is 18.2 and TScaleRichView is 9.0.3.