Showing local IP Camera does not work anymore with 7.x

RVMedia support and discussion (components for displaying and controlling IP cameras, webcams, video conferencing, video chats, recording audio and video files)
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Showing local IP Camera does not work anymore with 7.x

Post by IpCamFan »

I used version 6.1.1, showing the video from a local IP Cam,
with fixed IP address. This works.
As soon as I use 7, 7.1 or 7.1.1 it does not show the video anymore.
If I uninstall 7.x and install 6.x - then it works again.
I created a very simple basical app for experimenting,
which consists only of a RVCamera and a RVCamView,
I can not get it run.
Also the demos do not work anymore with the 7.x, they do not find my IP cam anymore.
As a comment, my ip cams, provide a mjpeg picture, only every 10 seconds, so they are streaming slowly.
Anything that I should specificly change in the properties,
to get it run? I tried already a lot, but without success.
Can you please help?
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: Showing local IP Camera does not work anymore with 7.x

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Is it password protected?
Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 2:43 pm

Re: Showing local IP Camera does not work anymore with 7.x

Post by IpCamFan »

Yes, it uses password. I setup like this:
RVCamera1.CameraHost := EditIP.Text;
RVCamera1.CameraPort := StrToInt(EditPort.Text);
RVCamera1.UserName := EditUserName.Text;
RVCamera1.UserPassword := EditPwd.Text;
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: Showing local IP Camera does not work anymore with 7.x

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

A problem with authentication code in our native mjpeg/jpeg reader was already reported. We are trying to solve it (but primary RVMedia developer is currently on a vacation, so most probably it will be solved in the next week).
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