This question is related to the question I've asked before ... f307f83c2a.
So I chose the second option with invisible form and converting RTF into RVF. The problem is initial styles in RTF differ from styles I get in RVF while converting and therefore from styles that I get in TRichView where I insert the text to.
Here is the source RTF I want to insert into TRichView ... TRvZkRONmM.
And here is the way I insert that RTF into the hidden TRichViewEdit:
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function RTFToRVE(RTF: TStream): TStream;
FRve.DeleteUnusedStyles(True, True, True);
if not FRve.LoadRTFFromStream(RTF) then
raise ERTFException.Create('Error RTF load!');
// And just now save the text in two formats
FRve.SaveRTF('C:\***\Value.rtf', False);
FRve.SaveRVF('C:\***\Value.rve', False);
I've set TextStyleMode and ParaStyleMode to the invisible RVE but it doesn't help
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FRve.RTFReadProperties.TextStyleMode := rvrsAddIfNeeded;
FRve.RTFReadProperties.ParaStyleMode := rvrsAddIfNeeded;