RVMedia support and discussion (components for displaying and controlling IP cameras, webcams, video conferencing, video chats, recording audio and video files)
I've been testing RVMedia and there is something I do not understand. I tried it with public cameras, I Know positively resolution is 640x480, but when I play with your component I can only play to 320x240, I thought I was doing something wrong, so I tried your demo "MediaTest.exe "and it is exactly the same, played at 320x240.
However, if instead of using the host:port, i use URL putting host/mjpg/video.mjpg then if you play the correct resolution.
We discussed this issue with the developer.
He explained that RVCamera requests video from host:port in the resolution specified in VideoResolution property.
In MediaTest demo, all cameras have VideoResolution = rv320_240 (only RVCamera1 has rv640_480, we overlooked it).
So just change VideoResolution = rv640_480 for all RVCameras.
I requested from the developer a new video resolution, "default". If it is specified, RVCamera will not add the desired video resolution in its request.
I am using the trial version and if it is not right for me to use the forum to discuss these problems here. If you confirm me I comment on other problems that I've seen.
1) Yes, CameraSearchTimeOut is not used in VCL version of RVMedia.
In Windows, RVMedia uses the standard Windows API (WinInet), it does not allow specifying timeout properly.
This property can be used only if our cross-platform replacement for WinInet (MRVInet.pas) is used. Currently, we enable it only in Linux version
2) OnEndVideoFile occurs when playing Mjpeg file using PlayVideoFile method.
You can see how it is used in the demo Demos\Cameras\Recording\
3) CameraChannel allows switching channels for some Axis and Foxcam cameras that can provide several video channels. Unfortunately, RVMedia does not know if the current camera supports multiple channels and how many channels it provides.