we need to set the background bitmap for an A4 page (210 cm X 297 cm)
so we provide the component a bitmap of that exact size
Code: Select all
rvVisuCde: TRichViewEdit;
rvVisuCde.BackgroundBitmap.LoadFromFile(Chemin + '\Logo9.bmp');
rvVisuCde.BackgroundStyle := bsTopLeft;
we have to magnify it for about 16% if we want it to perfectly fit the A4 page
is there something we are doing wrong
or are we missing something ??
we are using Delphi 5
thanks for your answer
here are the properties of out TRichView :
Code: Select all
object rvVisuCde: TRichViewEdit
Left = 0
Top = 41
Width = 775
Height = 504
ReadOnly = False
Align = alClient
TabOrder = 3
Visible = False
BackgroundStyle = bsTopLeft
DocParameters.PageWidth = 21
DocParameters.PageHeight = 29.7
DocParameters.Units = rvuCentimeters
DocParameters.LeftMargin = 5
DocParameters.RightMargin = 5
DocParameters.TopMargin = 5
DocParameters.BottomMargin = 5
DoInPaletteMode = rvpaCreateCopies
RTFOptions = [rvrtfDuplicateUnicode, rvrtfSaveEMFAsWMF, rvrtfSaveJpegAsJpeg, rvrtfSaveBitmapDefault, rvrtfSaveDocParameters]
RVFOptions = [rvfoSavePicturesBody, rvfoSaveControlsBody, rvfoSaveBinary, rvfoSaveTextStyles, rvfoSaveParaStyles, rvfoSaveDocProperties, rvfoLoadDocProperties]
Style = RVStyle1
WordWrap = False